Lift up Jesus. Live in obedience. Love the world.
At Redeemer, we have dynamic worship, sound expository teaching and an intimate family atmosphere. We believe that the Word of God should influence every area of our lives; therefore, we strive to rightly divide God's Word and apply it to our culture.
Additionally, we believe that God's grace should color all of our relationships, both within in the church and within our community.
For that reason, we strive to lift up Jesus in all that we do, live in obedience to God's Word, and love the world just as Christ loved the world.
Sunday Mornings | 10am
14140 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Our ministries exist to strengthen and enrich the body of Christ through fellowship with fellow Christians, reach out to the community and allow individuals to serve according to their God-given abilities.